What's On
At MCC we host a wide variety of events suitable for all ages.
Sunday Worship Services
Please join us as we meet each Sunday morning at 9:30am.
Children are most welcome to attend the service or join Kids4C (Sunday School) for fun activities.
Services are available via Livestream on YouTube live at 9:30am each Sunday.
Past messages are available on the 'Service Times & Sermons' page.
Weddings, Funerals and Dedications
If you are interested in celebrating your wedding ceremony at MCC or holding a funeral service for a loved one please contact our office to arrange a consultation. We also hold child dedication services and would love to speak to you about that.
Contact the church office on 8517-0841 or email churchoffice@mirandacong.org.au
Click here for more information.
Playtime, in the Basement
Friday - 9:30am
For young children from birth to 6 years, not yet attending school and their parent or carer.
The children enjoy a structured program of play, craft, morning tea, storytime, music and games.
First 2 visits are FREE
Youth, in the Basement
Friday - 7:00pm
For teenagers in years 6 to 11 and is held during school terms.
Various activities and outings are arranged throughout each term.
W.I.S.E., in the Hall
Wednesday - 10:15am
Our WISE Group welcomes people of all ages.
Come along on Wednesday mornings to make new friends over morning tea.
Thursday Morning Craft,
in the Hall
Thursday - 9:30am
Both men and women are welcome to visit or join us to learn a new craft.
Crafts include Beading, Card Making, Crocheting, Cross Stitch, Knitting, Oil Painting and Water Colour
Morning tea and a chat is also an important aspect of our morning program.
Kidscape, in the Hall